How To Fix Short Cycling Well Pump?

Fixing short cycling in a well pump means solving the problem where the pump turns on and off too quickly. This can happen because of issues like a faulty pressure switch or a waterlogged tank. It’s important to repair these problems to ensure the well pump works properly and efficiently.

Imagine your well pump behaving like a finicky friend, turning on and off constantly. Fret not, for we’re about to uncover the secret to taming this unruly water companion. In this guide, we’ll show you how to fix short cycling well pump, bringing peace and reliability back to your water supply.

Fixing a short cycling well pump is like teaching your pump to take steady sips. First, check if the pressure switch is set right. Adjust if needed. If that’s not it, inspect your tank, it might be waterlogged. Drain it. These simple steps can keep your pump working smoothly.

Common Causes of Short Cycling in Well Pumps

Here’s a table outlining common causes of short cycling in well pumps:

Pressure Switch ProblemsA faulty switch can trigger rapid cycling. Adjust or replace it.
Waterlogged TankWhen the tank accumulates too much water, it confuses the pump. Drain it to fix this issue.
Leaky Check ValveLeaks in the valve can disrupt the system. Replace it to restore proper function.
Low Pressure in the WellInadequate water supply can lead to short cycling. Address the well’s water level if necessary.
Damaged Pump or ComponentsIf the pump or its components are damaged, they may need repair or replacement.
Incorrect Pressure SettingAn improperly set pressure can cause short cycling. Adjust it within the recommended range.
Well Pump Size MismatchEnsure your pump is appropriately sized for your water needs to prevent cycling problems.

Understanding and addressing these common issues can help you resolve short cycling in your well pump.

Step-by-Step Guide to Fixing Short Cycling

Fixing short cycling in a well pump is as easy as following a recipe. First, check the pressure switch, which is like the pump’s brain. Adjust it to the right settings, usually 20 psi between on and off. Heat cycling can exacerbate this issue, so it’s important to address it promptly.

If the problem persists, your tank may be waterlogged. Drain it to free up space. Remember, regular check ups can prevent future short cycling. Your well pump will thank you with reliable, steady water flow.

Adjusting the Pressure Switch

It is a vital step in learning how to fix short cycling well pump issues. This small but crucial device controls when the pump turns on and off. You can find it near the water tank. To make sure it’s set correctly, turn off the power. 

Then carefully tweak the pressure settings according to your pump’s specifications. Getting this right can put an end to the annoying short cycling problem, ensuring your well pump runs smoothly.

Dealing with a Waterlogged Tank

When your well pump’s tank gets waterlogged, it’s like having too many guests at a tea party, making everything a mess. But don’t worry, fixing it is simple. First, turn off the power to the pump. 

Next, open the tank’s valve or faucet to release the excess water. Once it’s empty, close the valve and turn the power back on. Your tank should now be back to normal, with the right amount of air and water. 

This ensures your well pump behaves properly, providing a consistent water supply without the constant on off cycle, just like a well behaved guest at a tea party.

Preventing Short Cycling for Long Term Pump Health

Preventing Short Cycling for Long Term Pump Health

Preventing short cycling in your well pump is like giving it a recipe for a long, healthy life. First, ensure the pressure switch is set correctly. Next, keep your tank from getting waterlogged, that’s crucial. Regularly check for leaks or issues in your system. 

Also, make sure the pump size matches your needs, too big or too small can lead to problems. Lastly, schedule routine maintenance to keep everything tip top. By following these steps, you’ll help your well pump stay strong and reliable, providing a steady flow of water for your home without any hiccups.

Troubleshooting Well Pump Issues

Troubleshooting well pump issues is like being a detective for water problems. When your well pump acts up, first, check if the power is on, just like you would with your toys. Next, see if there’s a tripped circuit breaker or blown fuse. 

If all seems good there, inspect the pressure switch and the tank. Sometimes, adjusting the pressure switch or draining the tank can solve the mystery of short cycling or no water. But if things get too puzzling, it’s a wise idea to call in a professional plumber. They can help you crack the case and get your water flowing smoothly again.


Why does my well pump turn on and off quickly?

This can happen due to issues like a faulty pressure switch or a waterlogged tank.

How can I stop my well pump from short cycling?

You can adjust the pressure switch settings or drain the waterlogged tank to fix short cycling.

Is it safe to fix a well pump issue myself?

Yes, if you’re comfortable, you can try fixing it, but it’s wise to call a professional if you’re unsure.

What’s the most common cause of well pump short cycling?

A waterlogged tank is often the culprit, causing rapid pump cycling.

Can short cycling damage my well pump?

Yes, frequent short cycling can strain the pump and reduce its lifespan, so it’s important to address the issue.


In conclusion, learning how to fix short cycling well pump troubles is like becoming a water wizard. We’ve discovered that this issue can often be resolved by adjusting the pressure switch or draining the waterlogged tank. This keeps your well pump working smoothly and saves you from the annoyance of it turning on and off too quickly. 

Remember, keeping your well pump in good shape is crucial to ensure y

ou have a steady supply of water. While you can tackle some fixes yourself, don’t hesitate to seek help from a professional if needed. Short cycling can put extra strain on your pump, potentially shortening its life.

So, by understanding and addressing the causes of well pump short cycling, you’ll become the master of your water system, making sure it behaves just the way you want it to. It’s all about keeping things flowing smoothly, and now you have the knowledge to do just that. With the right steps, your well pump can be your trusted water companion, working without interruption, and ensuring your water needs are met without any hiccups.

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